What is this product about?

I. What is this product?

This policy provides you with coverage for your goods (“property”) against accidental loss, theft, damage or destruction while your goods are in transit by a transportation provider (“Transport Provider”).

II. What coverages/benefits are provided?

If the insured property is lost, stolen, damaged or accidentally destroyed while being transported by the Transport Service Provider during the insurance period, we will pay you the reasonable cost of repairing the damaged property or the cost of replacement where we consider it uneconomical to repair. We will pay you the cost of replacing lost, stolen or destroyed property up to the insured amount if the insured property is lost, stolen or destroyed. Note: The descriptions in the available coverages are only a brief summary for quick and easy reference.

Please refer to your policy contract for full details of coverages/benefits under this policy.

III. How much premium should I pay?

The premium due for property coverage depends on the amount insured on the property.

IV. What do I have to pay in addition to the premium?

What is included in the premium?

  • Commission paid to the insurance broker (if any) – maximum up to 20%.


4.1. How to submit a claim

(a) The policyholder and/or insured must, as soon as practicable,

Provide written notice of any loss or destruction of the insured’s property on the company’s website no later than three (3) days after delivery of the insured’s property at the sent address or three (3) days after the insured’s property is deemed lost.

(b) The insured must include the following information in his notice:

  • A copy of the shipping note and detailed packing list;
  • In the event of damage or destruction of property, photos of the damaged or destroyed property and packaging;
  • In the event of loss or theft of property, written confirmation from the policyholder and the transportation service provider that the property has been lost or stolen;
  • Invoice for lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed property and/or any other appraisal documents;

(c) Details of the insured’s bank account where settlement of the claim by electronic transfer is required

4.2. Mitigation and General Cooperation

Mitigation and General Cooperation The Insured must, at its own expense, take all reasonable steps and precautions in doing all things practicable to preserve, avoid or minimize any actual or potential loss, theft, damage or destruction of property.

4.3. Subrogation

Subrogation In the event that we make any payment under this Policy in respect of lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed property, we will subrogate all rights of compensation, contribution or recovery that the Insured has in respect of such property, including but not limited to. It is limited to the rights of the insured towards the transportation service provider. The insured may not assign or assign any right without obtaining our prior written consent.

4.4. Check and rescue

We reserve the right to inspect and/or collect any damaged or destroyed property and where to claim it It has been paid in full by us, and we have the right to retain any salvageable property or part thereof

For inquiries, please contact customer service / 600543686 Or to our email / support@gentoo.app