Privacy Policy Gentoo

I. Introduction

This privacy policy explains how Gentoo With its affiliates (referred to as "we", "our", "us" and "Gentoo") collect, hold, process, transfer and use your personal data and what corresponding rights you have in relation to the processing of personal data. For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, Gentoo The specific entity providing the Services to you on the date you receive this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy relates to the following personal data that we collect about you when you use or access our web applications and mobile applications (together referred to as “Applications”) and our website. Web in

We operate the Apps and Website to serve as a platform to connect users of our Platform with driver partners, including individuals who use other modes of transportation, and to help facilitate these drivers’ provision of on-demand delivery and purchase services (“Services”). Our apps and services are designed primarily for adults. We will not knowingly collect any personal data from minors (i.e. persons who have not reached the age of 18 years, or the equivalent minimum age for full legal capacity in the relevant jurisdiction) unless such data is provided with the prior consent of the relevant person (i.e. a person who Parental responsibility for a minor). In the event that you, as the data subject, disclose such personal data of a minor under your parental responsibility to us, you hereby consent to the collection and processing of the personal data of such minor and accept and agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy. If we are informed of any collection of Personal Data from a minor without the consent of a person with parental responsibility over that minor, we will delete such Personal Data.

This Privacy Policy applies to personal data (collectively referred to as “you” or “your”):

  • Visitors: individuals who visit our Website or download or access the Applications without being a User as defined below;
  • Users: individuals who use, request or receive the Services;Contact us through our website, applications, by phone or other means of communication; () enter our contests or contests; or (iv) subscribe to our updates or blog;
  • Agents: representatives of our corporate customers or business partners such as owners, managers, captains or other fleet representatives; And
  • Drivers: Individuals who submit or submit requests to us to provide services through our applications individually or through partner companies, whether they are subsequently successfully registered as a driver in Gentoo or not.

Please read and understand this Privacy Policy before using our website, services or applications

II. Data sources

Personal 2.1 When you visit our website or access or use our applications and services, we may ask you to provide your personal data. If you do not provide the relevant data, we may not be able to provide you with our products or services or respond to any queries you may have. For example, you may not be able to order delivery services through our website or applications.

We will collect and process personal data:

  • That you provide to us directly, such as during account creation through our applications, entering our contests, contests and promotional activities, subscribing to our blog or updates, or sending correspondence to us through our website, applications or by phone;
  • Created during your use of our website, services and applications. For example, we may collect an address Your IP and device information when you visit our website.
  • We obtain it from third parties (such as third party agents, other users, our service providers and business partners). For example, our third-party agents may provide us with additional verification and basic driver information, and other users may provide us with your name and phone number when booking a vehicle for you.

We may also collect Personal Data from Driver Partners who participate in the Driver Referral Program and Driver Campaign (“Driver Programs”) to the extent appropriate in processing a Driver Partner request to enter or participate in the Driver Programs.

III. What personal data do we collect about you?

The personal data we collect about you will include the following data:

From visitors:

  • IP address or other unique device identifiers; And
  • Use of our Website or Apps.

From users

  • Name;
  • email address;
  • Telephone number;
  • Title;
  • Correspondence with us;
  • IP address or other unique device identifiers;
  • Payment and banking information;
  • Geolocation;
  • User profile information, including login details and passwords, profile picture, saved routes, language preferences, details of liked drivers, comments, ratings, compliments, order details, type of service used, referral information and judgment for the referral program you are using. Participated by the user;
  • Use of applications or other related data; And;
  • Personal data that the User voluntarily enters in the free text box when using our Services.

From the agents

  • Name;
  • email address;
  • Company name;
  • Job title.
  • Telephone number;
  • Business industry.
  • Title;
  • Correspondence with us;
  • IP address or other unique device identifiers;
  • Payment and banking information;
  • Geolocation;
  • Agent profile information (including profile photo);
  • Use of applications or other related data; And;
  • A copy of your ID card or national ID number and its expiration date;

Of the drivers:

  • Name;
  • Telephone number;
  • email address;
  • home address;
  • Correspondence with us;
  • IP address or other unique device identifiers;
  • Payment and banking information;
  • Geospatial;
  • Driver profile information, including login details, passwords, profile picture, vehicle photo, language preferences, comments, ratings, compliments, referral and referee information for the referral program in which the Driver has participated;
  • Use of applications or other related data;
  • Driver's license identification number and expiration date;
  • Information required to collect and pay any fees;
  • Vehicle information and photos;
  • Vehicle insurance information;
  • National ID number and expiration date; And
  • Date of birth.

We only collect personal data that we reasonably need to use in connection with the purposes set out in paragraph 4 of this privacy policy. We do not collect unnecessary or excessive personal data.

IV. How do we use your personal data?

We may Gentoo company Collect, process, aggregate and arrange your personal data in the form of:

For visitors, users and agents

  • Profile information records;
  • Notes, records, and reports of use of our Services, including records of interaction with customer service;
  • payment records in connection with our Services;
  • logs and reports of the use of our Apps, including bug reports, quizzes or contests, and login sessions;
  • Live chat log records, comments and rating of drivers;

For drivers

  • Profile information records;
  • Records and reports of use of our Services, including records of interaction with customer service, driver operations, field agents, and third-party service providers;
  • Payment records in connection with our Services;
  • Logs and reports of the use of our Apps, including bug reports, quizzes or contests, and login sessions;
  • Live chat history reports and feedback from users and agents;
  • Records of your deliveries and performance; And
  • Your vehicle records, driver's license, vehicle insurance and car license.

We may process your personal data for the following purposes.

Visitors, Users and Agents:

(1) To provide and maintain our services such as:

  • create, update and maintain your account registered with us;
  • enabling transportation and delivery;
  • tracking deliveries; And
  • offer, process or facilitate payment for deliveries or our services.

(2) To monitor the use of our Website, Services or Apps;

(3) To help maintain the safety, security and integrity of our Services and prevent crime and fraud;

(4) To personalize your experience on our Apps: Identifying your preferences and behavior helps us better understand your individual needs and interests and provide you with more personalized services. We may ask for your consent for some of this marketing activity. In such cases where consent is required, we will only conduct the marketing activity if we have your consent. You can choose to unsubscribe at any time if you do not wish to receive such information;

(5) To improve our Website, Services and Apps or develop new ones: We may use your Personal Data to develop new features and functionality, to improve the design of our software and interfaces, we may use bug reports to improve security features;

(6) For customer service: Your Personal Data helps us more effectively respond to your customer service requests, feedback and support needs;

(7) For research and development: Your personal data will help us test, research, analyze, assist in product development and machine learning to improve your experience;

(8) To compile aggregate statistics about you and analyze your use of the Services and Apps;

(9) For non-marketing communications related to our Services such as notices of changes to our Apps or Services;

(10) To manage our business: We may use your personal data to organize and manage our business (including managing and maintaining databases that store personal data);

(11) For legal proceedings or as required by regulators, government entities, official inquiries, or to comply with our legal obligations; And

(12) For direct marketing, subject to obtaining your consent in accordance with applicable laws and as set forth in Paragraph 14 of this Privacy Policy.


(1) To provide and maintain our services such as:

  • create, update and maintain your registered account with us;
  • enable and notify transportation, orders, and delivery;
  • tracking deliveries; And
  • offer, process or facilitate payment for deliveries or our services.

(2) To monitor the use of our services, applications and website;

(3) To help maintain the safety, security and integrity of our Services and prevent crime and fraud, such as screening drivers;

(4) To personalize your experience on our Apps: Identifying your preferences and behavior helps us better understand your individual needs and interests and provide you with more personalized services. We may ask for your consent for some of this marketing activity. In such cases where consent is required, we will only conduct the marketing activity if we have your consent. You may choose to unsubscribe at any time if you do not wish to receive this information;

(5) To improve our Website, Services and Apps or develop new ones: We may use your Personal Data to develop new features and functionality, to improve the design of our software and interfaces, we may use bug reports to improve security features;

(6) For customer service: Your Personal Data helps us more effectively respond to your customer service requests, feedback and support needs;

(7) For research and development: Your personal data will help us test, research, analyze, assist in product development and machine learning to improve your experience;

(8) To compile aggregate statistics about you and to analyze your use of the Services, Applications, and Delivery Processes, including performance metrics of the Services provided by the Seller;

(9) For non-marketing communications related to our Services such as notifications of changes to our Apps or Services;

(10) To manage our business: We may use your personal data to organize and manage our business (including managing and maintaining databases that store personal data);

(11) For legal proceedings or as required by regulators, government entities, official inquiries, or to comply with our legal obligations;

(12) For direct marketing, subject to obtaining your consent in accordance with applicable laws and as set forth in Paragraph 14 of this Privacy Policy; And

(13) To provide benefits to drivers, including the purchase of insurance.

If we want to use your personal data for other purposes not covered by this Privacy Policy, we will notify you and obtain your prior consent where appropriate, and ensure that the use of your personal data complies with applicable laws.

We are permitted to use your personal data in these ways because one or more of the following applies :

  • we have obtained your consent;
  • we need to do this in order to perform our contractual obligations with you;
  • we have legal duties and regulatory obligations to fulfill;
  • use your Personal Data as necessary for our legitimate interests;
  • we need to do this in order to respond to public health incidents or to protect the vital interests of natural persons;
  • We have other legal grounds permitted by applicable laws to process your personal data.

Not all data protection laws are the same, so not all legal bases listed in paragraph 4.4 apply in all jurisdictions (for example, legitimate interests are not a permissible legal basis in some jurisdictions). We will process your personal data on the legal basis permitted by the applicable laws in your jurisdiction.

V. Sharing and disclosing personal data

Our Services require that we share your personal data with other users. This includes:

  • Share Users or Agents' full name, phone number and personal data contained in the free text box voluntarily entered by the User, and pick up or drop off locations with Driver Partners after the start of the delivery for the purposes of completing the delivery;
  • share the driver's name, phone number, driver profile information, vehicle information, vehicle photo, and geographic location with Users or Agents after the start of the delivery for purposes of completing the delivery; And if If you are a member of a fleet, your personal data (such as name, phone number, driver profile information, logs and reports of use of our services and applications, payment records, and vehicle information) will be shared with the fleet owner or manager. You should exercise caution when disclosing your personal data to drivers, users or agents. You understand and acknowledge that we cannot control the actions of other users usingHome You may choose to share personal data with. We do not monitor the use of these features in the ordinary course of business although we reserve the right to do so at our discretion. Therefore, you understand and acknowledge that we cannot and do not guarantee that personal data you share with other users will not be reviewed by unauthorized persons. You also acknowledge that your Personal Data may still be accessed by the relevant users with whom you shared the Personal Data after delivery is complete. For example, the relevant user may view transaction records containing your personal data.

We may also share your personal data to provide our website, services or applications or for legal reasons with:

  • our employees, officers or independent consultants;
  • our auditors and external legal and financial advisors;
  • Our suppliers, business partners, data processors and subcontractors including:
    • IT service and software suppliers;
    • Payment processors and facilitators;
    • Cloud platform service providers;
    • Cloud storage providers;
    • data analytics providers;
    • Research partners;
    • marketing and advertising agencies that create our advertisements and promotions;
    • background check and identity verification service providers;
    • vendors who help us enhance the safety and security of our Site and Apps; And
    • Customer service providers;
  • Insurance companies, bankers and drivers' insurance companies;
  • any regulatory or governmental body to which we are obligated or required to disclose under the requirements of any applicable laws;
  • Our Affiliates: We share personal data with our affiliates, parent companies and other subsidiaries to help us provide our services or perform data processing on our behalf;
  • Any applicable persons if we believe it is required by applicable laws, legal process, governmental request or when disclosure is appropriate due to safety concerns. This includes exchanging your personal data with other companies or organizations for the purposes of crime/fraud protection and prevention; or
  • another company involved in or during negotiations of any merger, sale of company assets, consolidation, restructuring, financing, or acquisition of all or Part of our business by or in that other company.

We will ensure that third parties are subject to confidentiality obligations before sharing your personal data with third parties set out in paragraph 5.2 of this Privacy Policy.

We may share your personal data with anyone other than as set out in paragraph 5.2 of this Privacy Policy. Under such circumstances, we will notify you and obtain your consent in advance if required by applicable laws.

We do not sell your personal data to any third party and guarantee the lawful and fair use of personal data only to the extent permitted by law.

VI. For international data transfer

Personality 6.1 We have a global business and our operations are spread throughout the world. As a result, we collect and transfer personal data on a global basis. This means that we may transfer your personal data to locations outside your country/region. We will ensure that your personal data is transferred in accordance with this Privacy Policy and in compliance with applicable laws. For example, where required by applicable laws, we will ensure that personal data transferred to locations outside your country/region is protected to standards similar to those under applicable laws, and we will obtain a similar undertaking from any third party recipient of your personal data if required by applicable laws.

For further information, please contact us using the details set out in the “Contact Us” section below.

VII. Security of personal data

Once we receive your personal data, we will use all reasonably practical security steps and measures as required under applicable laws, to ensure that your personal data is stored securely and is protected by us and our data processors.

We protect against unauthorized or accidental access, processing, erasure, loss or use.

Your personal data will be kept confidential and secure except for the purposes and uses as set out in this Privacy Policy and will only be disclosed on a “need to know” basis.

If we outsource and entrust your personal data to data processors, we will use contractual and other means to monitor the data processors' compliance with this Privacy Policy.

We have adopted organizational, physical and technical security measures consistent with industry standards to protect the personal data you provide. Our security procedures may include signing a certificateSSL, TLS encryption, and hashed password storage.

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your Application password. You must not divulge or disclose your Applications password to any third party. Please notify us immediately if you believe your password or record has been compromised.

The transmission of information via the Internet is not completely secure. Although we use security measures to secure your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your personal data transmitted to the Applications and any transmission is at your own risk.

VIII. Retention of personal data

Personal information collected from you for a period longer than necessary to carry out the purposes set out in Paragraph 4 of this Privacy Policy, unless required or permitted under applicable laws.

If your registered account in our applications has not been accessed over a period of three years or we close your account at your request (the “expiry date”), your personal data will be retained by us for as long as is necessary for the purposes set out in paragraph 4 of this privacy policy, or As long as applicable laws permit. We may retain your personal data for a longer period if it is necessary for us to do so to comply with our contractual or legal obligations, or if you have consented to our continued retention.

At the end of the retention period, we will ensure that your personal data and all data related to the application and account-related information will be deleted. For any physical documents containing your personal data, the documents will be shredded or otherwise destroyed by means that ensure the documents are destroyed confidentially and securely.

We will ensure that our data processors retain your personal data only for as long as is necessary to achieve the purposes set out in paragraph 4 of this privacy policy. Our data processors will delete the personal data held if the personal data is no longer required for the purposes set out in paragraph 4 of this Privacy Policy unless any deletion is prohibited by applicable laws.

IX. Your rights

We respect your rights

The legality of your personal data. Below we list your legal rights and the measures we take to protect those rights. Not all data protection laws are the same, so not all of these rights apply in all UAE jurisdictions.

  • the right to obtain information regarding the processing of your personal data and to access the personal data we hold about you;
  • the right to request correction of your personal data if it is inaccurate or incomplete;
  • The right to request that your personal data be erased, blocked or anonymised in certain circumstances. Please note that there may be circumstances where you require us to erase, block or anonymize your personal data, but we are legally entitled to retain it;
  • In some circumstances, the right to receive certain personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and/or to request that such data be transmitted to a third party where technically feasible. Please note that this right only applies to personal data that you have provided to us;
  • The right to withdraw your consent to our processing of your personal data. However, please note that we are still entitled to process your personal data if we have another legitimate reason (other than consent) to do so. For example, we may need to retain your personal data to comply with a legal obligation;
  • The right to information about the possibility of refusing consent and the consequences thereof. Where consent is used as a legal basis for processing personal data, you have the right to be informed of the possibility of refusing consent and the consequences of such refusal;
  • The right to object and the right to request that we restrict our processing of your personal data in certain circumstances. There may be circumstances in which you object to or ask us to restrict our processing of your personal data but we are legally entitled to continue processing your personal data and/or to refuse such request;
  • the right to ask us to record the personal data we have collected about you;
  • the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing; And
  • The right to file a complaint with the competent authority if you believe that any of your rights have been violated by us.

We will take appropriate technical measures to enable you to control how we use your personal data. In addition to exercising some of your rights through your App account, you can exercise all of your rights by contacting us using the details set out in the “Contact Us” section below.

X. Cookies Please refer to the Cookie Policy

Our own and obtainable Here

Third Party Links Occasionally, at our discretion, we may include or provide links

For third party products or services on our website or applications. These third-party sites have their own separate and independent privacy policies and user terms that you should review before using their services. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the content and activities of these third-party linked sites or their products and services. We strive to protect the integrity of our site and applications, and welcome any feedback on these third-party links.

Changes to our privacy policy We may update the policy

We change this Privacy Policy from time to time in response to changing legal, technical, or business developments. When we update our Privacy Policy, we will take appropriate measures to notify you, consistent with the significance of the changes we make. We will obtain your consent for any material changes to the Privacy Policy if and where required under applicable laws. You can find out when this Privacy Policy was last updated by checking the “Last Updated” date displayed at the top of this Privacy Policy.

You should review this Privacy Policy periodically. By continuing to use our Website, Apps or Services, you will be deemed to have accepted the changes or updates to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to these changes or updates to the Privacy Policy, we will not be able to provide you with access to our Apps or deliver our Services to you.

XI. Contact us

We welcome all comments, inquiries, complaints, data access requests or data correction requests relating to our use of your personal data and should be directed to:

XII. Marketing

Direct If we provide our services or interact with you in the context of dealing with a company or business entity, we intend to market our website, services or applications directly to you in that capacity and for the use of that company or business entity. ‏ If we provide our services or interact with you in your personal capacity, we intend to use your personal data to market our website, services or applications directly to you.

The type of personal data we use for direct marketing purposes is:

Your name
Your email
Your phone number
your address

XIII. Our direct marketing activities using your personal data are:

(1) Newsletters and updates Our blog

(2) Promotions for our website, services or applications

(3) Contests or contests we hold

(4) Updates regarding our website, services or applications

(5) Surveys regarding our website, services or applications

(6) Invitations Events

(7) Holiday greetings